Globalworth Plaza
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  • Green certificates

    BREEAM Certificate

    This international certification is issued by an external audit company which confirms the use of solutions based on sustainable development that have a positive impact on the environment, social life and economics.

    The certificate has five levels: “pass”, “good”, “very good”, “excellent” and “outstanding”.

    The certificate covers various areas related to the environment: energy and water consumption, health and well-being, pollution, transport, location, access to services, materials used, waste, land use, eco-friendly actions, and management processes.

    What does it mean to you?

    This certification is not just a piece of paper. If you work at Globalworth Plaza, you experience its benefits daily, with all five senses:

    Good indoor air quality with low-carbon and pollution levels, a high degree of ventilation (clean air) and suitable humidity.

    Suitable lighting and access to daylight, which are crucial for our wellbeing.

    The ability to adjust the air temperature to your needs, which affects thermal comfort.

    Efficient installations to save electricity and water.

    Higher than average acoustic comfort, which matches the architectural concept of the building’s interior.

    New technologies, innovations and easy control.

    A great location that can reduce the amount of COemitted during your commute. Plus, it gives you excellent access to the surrounding amenities!

    On a personal level, people working or visiting Globalworth Plaza can experience the highest level of comfort and well-being. This means significant reduction of such office problems as:


    Problems with eyesight

    Skin irritation




    Breathing problems


    WELL Certificate

    WELL is the leading tool for advancing human health and well-being in buildings globally.
    When you see the WELL Health-Safety seal, you can feel confident knowing the space you’re entering is putting your health first.

    Projects pursuing WELL Certification can earn points based on performance outcomes for various policy, design and operational strategies and can achieve one of four certification levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum.

    What does it mean for you?

    WELL sets pathways that improve people’s quality of life and health by following these 10 core concepts:

    AIR: Good indoor air quality with proper ventilation, filtration and control of microbes & mould. It’s also important for management and monitoring of pollution.

    WATER: Water quality maintenance and moisture management to limit bacteria and mould growth. Promotion of drinking water over less healthy alternatives.

    NOURISHMENT: Promotion of consumption of fruits and vegetables, and encouragement of healthier food choices. Providing communal dining opportunities and supporting access to local food.

    LIGHT: Lighting that enhances visual comfort and access to natural daylight.

    MOVEMENT: Promotion of physical activity and active living through the design of the building and common spaces. Providing access to cycling infrastructure.

    THERMAL COMFORT: Enhancing thermal comfort by creating thermal zoning in each space and providing access to control panels.

    SOUND: Spaces are designed and constructed to reduce the level of noise in different areas.

    MATERIALS: Eliminating exposure to hazardous materials, minimising exposure to pesticides and strong cleaning chemicals, mitigating environmental contamination by managing waste.

    MIND: Access to nature and chill-out spaces that promote relief from mental fatigue or stress.

    COMMUNITY: Providing public spaces and amenities for community members to socialise and collaborate. Designing spaces to support the needs of all individuals.

    Contact us

    Do you wish to know more, or maybe need some help? Our team is waiting for you! Below you will find contact information about matters relating to this section.


    Building Manager
    Costin Stoian
    0730 800 027

    The Building Manager is in charge of the building services management (technical services, cleaning services, reception, security, fire fighters), keeps a good relationship with the tenants and is the person of contact for every issue or request that concerns the Globalworth Plaza.

    Air conditioning
    Asset Manager
    COVID-19 notifications
    Fire safety
    Lease contract
    Property manger


    Team Leader Operations & Customer Care
    Alina Necula
    0731 800 107

    The Team Leader Operations & Customer Care is in charge of the general operations for all the buildings from the portfolio, keeps a good relationship with all the tenants, coordinates the Building Managers’ and Asset Managers’ activities, implements budgets and procedures.

    Air conditioning
    Asset Manager
    COVID-19 notifications
    Fire safety
    Lease contract
    Property manger